2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Synthesis Essay

The Importance of Using Visuals in EFL Classrooms         

                                            The Necessity of Visual Aids          

For a long while, education is a must for people all around the world.  Education’s importance is unignorable because every single human being wants to have a better life conditions and this is possible with taking education.  By means of instruction, a person also becomes notable, so the other people respect him/her.  Moreover, as it is well-known, education ought to be given to the students at an early age.  The reason why it should be given at early ages is because the learners’ capacity of learning and acquiring the knowledge are better in this process of their lives.  For the students, there are several ways to learn the knowledge and one of those ways is visuals such as flashcards, pictures, real objects, videos, charts, blackboards and so on.  However, the importance of using visual aids has not only some causes but also has many effects.           

            Bringing the external world into the classroom is the first cause of the importance of using visuals in EFL classrooms.  One of the visuals is flashcards which show the images of objects.  To illustrate, there is a teacher who tries to teach animals to the young students. Does this teacher have a chance to bring a whale into the classroom?  Of course, he does not have any possibility like this.  However, he can describe or he may want students to describe the whale easily by using flashcards.  To give another example, if there is a teacher who gives a lecture in a city where there is no sea, the only way to teach the sea to the students is possible with again using flashcards, pictures or videos.  Furthermore, there is an author who has the same idea as me. According to Christine Canning Wilson, it is said that pictures give a potentiality to the learners to see the objects that they cannot touch or feel at that time. Thereby, visual images make the learning more authentic and this helps the students to use proper related language (Canning-Wilson, 1999).       

            Videos’ showing the things in an obvious way can be the second cause of the importance of using visuals in EFL classrooms.  It is better for the teacher to show a video to the students to make them be aware of the content related to what they are going to be taught in the lesson.  For instance, the instructor is teaching EFL learners how to describe an address to a person who is from another country and does not know any place in there. In the lesson, the instructor represents a video which shows the accurate words used when describing a place.  By showing the video, the learners are expected to get the patterns.  Also, after watching it, the instructor may control whether the issue is clear or not by asking the students to animate the video in the classroom.  According to Samir Rammal, it is considered that videotaped material enables learners much better understanding of implied issues.  Furthermore, it procures a real sample which may reduce the possibility of EFL learners’ being embarrassed while they are speaking to the people who are from the target culture (Rammal, 2005).      

            Nevertheless having some causes, the importance of using visuals in EFL classrooms has several effects.  To begin with, offering convenience in vocabulary recognition is one of the effects of visual aids’ necessity. In the lesson, it can be more effective to show pictures of what is going to be mentioned when compared to just saying the descriptions. With this style of teaching, the instructor enables students to keep the information in their minds permanently.  For example, there is a student who is seven years old is confusing the words tomato and potato.  But if these words are taught that student by indicating pictures, he will easily understand the difference because he will see that tomato is red and potato is yellow.  As a result, the knowledge will be lasting.  According to the authors whose names are Shana K. Carpenter and Kellie M. Olson, it is believed that rather than words, sensory-semantic patterns suggest that images are more advantageous for memory since they include a major variety of matchless visual properties (Carpenter and Olson, 2012).                    

            What is more, real objects’ giving a potential to the learners to use their sense organs during the learning is another effect of the importance of using visuals in EFL classrooms.   Therefore, the learners comprehend the knowledge by experiencing the things around them.  To exemplify, the teacher is telling his students that the cotton is something soft and light.  At that time, the students try to imagine this stuff in their minds.  However, without touching it, how can they realize the cotton in an exact way?  The answer is that the most influential way is to test the object on their own.  According to Steph Mastoris, it is thought that being able to feel the things is one of the most efficient ways of learning and it has lots of pros for the students.  There happens a real experience which arises through touching the objects.  Besides, having a sense of prerogative access, it is also probable to catch the attention of those who are not interested in the lesson (Mastoris, 2009).      

            Taking everything into account, despite the fact that the importance of using visuals in EFL classrooms has lots of causes such as bringing the outside world into the environment of classroom and videos’ representing the things obviously, it also has various effects namely offering easiness in vocabulary recognition and real object’ enabling the learners to use their sense organs during the process of learning.  From my standpoint, when visual aids are used in learning period, the learners understand the subject better, they become more active and the lesson goes with a swing. As a last thing, here is a quotation related to the topic which is “A picture is worth a thousand words.”                      

Canning-Wilson, C. (June 6, 2012). Using Pictures in EFL and ESL Classrooms.
Retrieved from
2. Rammal, S. (April 12-12, 2005).  Using Video in EFL Classroom.        
Retrieved from
3. Carpenter, S. K., & Olson, K. M. (2012). Are pictures good for learning new vocabulary in a foreign language? Only if you think they are not. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 38, 92-101.            
Retrieved from
4. Mastoris, S. (January, 2009). Learning through Objects BaLL2.           
Retrieved from

25 Aralık 2012 Salı

Argumentative Essay

                           Instruction of Foreign Language in Kindergarten  
Without any doubt, knowing at least one foreign language is really needed in almost all of the parts of the world nowadays.  Both in peoples’ education, working and social lives, a foreign language has a leading role and nobody can deny this.  No matter how old people are, it is taught all age groups to make them not only qualified but also sophisticated human beings.  However, there is a much-debated issue on foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten or it should not begin.  While many people are against the view of foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten, there are also numerous people who are in favor of this idea.            
            In the first place, there are some people who do not support that foreign language instruction should begin in kindergarten in terms of children’s not having enough ability to learn another language except their mother-tongue.  These people assume that at this young age, the learners should first comprehend their own language properties.  Otherwise, they can be confused and even the process of learning their native language can be difficult for them.  However, the proponents of the idea that foreign language education should begin at a very young age claim that because of those children’s having a better capacity to acquire and absorb the knowledge, they are good at learning a new language easily when it is compared with older people.  Also, one of the other benefits related to this aspect is the learners’ being able to have an accent by imitating their teachers while they are doing the lesson or activities.  To exemplify, there are interdental words in English and many of the Turkish people have some difficulties in saying those words.  But, if the little children start learning English language in kindergarten, when they talk to native speakers in the next years, they think that there is no difference between themselves and those native speakers in terms of being able to produce interdental words.
         In the second place, the people who are against learning a foreign language in kindergarten consider that there can be some problems in the future because instead of children, it is the parents who decide on what language their children should learn.  In the oncoming years, those children may realize that the language they have started to learn in kindergarten does not draw their attention anymore. Additionally, the learners can think this foreign language they know does not have any proceeds when they settle on their occupation.  As a result, the language that has been learnt may be just a waste of time for them.  On the other hand, the ones who stand up for the idea that the education of foreign language should be given at a young age defend that this kind of instruction should not be thought as a waste of time even if the new language is not used in the future.  These supporters believe that if a child who begins learning a foreign language in kindergarten does not even use that language in his oncoming years, it does not mean that he will not use it until the end of his life.  For example, there is a girl who starts learning Spanish at a very young age is expected to know English when she decides on her occupation.  Even though this child will not use Spanish while she is working, one day the girl may make up her mind to advance in her career path and she may go to Spain.  Thus, in spite of the fact that the parents choose a different language for their children without asking their opinions, there are not any negative sides of this choice. Also, there is a famous saying about this aspect which is “One language means one person, two languages mean two people.”  
         In the final place, while speaking with a native speaker or with their teachers, the possibility of the children’s making grammatical mistakes or not being able to understand what is asked can cause the learners be ashamed of themselves.  This point is last but not least for the opponents of instruction of a different language in kindergarten.  These people believe that if one of the students does a mistake when he is speaking, the friends of him may make fun of him.  As a consequence, the child can lose his self-confidence because of his friends’ not tolerating his mistake and this situation can affect the rest of that child’s life.  On the contrary, instead of losing her self-reliance, the proponents of the opinion that foreign language instruction should start in kindergarten assert that this type of foreign language learning constructs it.  For instance, if the young student answers a question and both his teachers and friends congratulate him by applauding, that student starts thinking he is good at this lesson and he believes in himself, too.   Furthermore, foreign language education at a very young age can offer a chance to make cultural connections.  According to Melissa Sherrard, it is thought that children who are educated a foreign language at an early age expose to other cultures in a positive way. These children are able to know some information about the other peoples’ values, traditions and also language characteristics by studying a new language. Through getting better in terms of making contact with different people from different parts of the universe, the learners become more and more concerned with and they also become aware of there are many other ways of lives different form their own ones.       
          Taking everything into consideration, despite the fact that there are lots of humans who say that foreign language instruction should not begin in kindergarten in the sense of children’s not having enough skills to learn a new language at an early age, parents’ deciding upon which language their children learn and the probability of the young students’ making some mistakes which affect them negatively; there are also several other people who advocate the view of education of foreign language should start in kindergarten regarding absorbing and acquiring the information better at this age, having benefits in working life and building self-reliance. From my point of view, I support that the instruction of a new language of course should be given to children at an early age. Related to my opinion, there is a very famous Turkish proverb which says “You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.”      

Sherrard, M. The Advantages of Learning a Foreign Language at a Young Age.
Retrieved from

3 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Cause and Effect Essay


                            The New System of Education in Turkey       
Without a shadow of a doubt, education plays an essential role in today’s world.  Each country competes with one another to give the best education with new approaches to their citizens and so, these countries want their citizens to be not only more qualified but also well-educated people.  Also, it will be easy for the countries to develop themselves.  For example, European countries implement an approach which is called life-long education to its citizens in order to enable them to keep up with the times. When Turkey is considered, it can be said that the government also provides some opportunities to its citizens to make them sophisticated mankind.  However, the education system that is applied in Turkey has been changed in recent times and its name is 4+4+4 education system now.  This change leads to some debates about whether it is good for the students or not.  Let us now mention both the causes and effects of 4+4+4 education system.
          The first cause of 4+4+4 education system is about students’ choosing their branches.  When the fourth grade students promote the next stage and become the fifth grade ones, they have an obligation to decide on what they want to be in the future.  Furthermore, while they are making these vocational decisions first, they think about their skills and wishes.  Then, the students continue their education life with the choices they make.  However, how these students who are from the fourth or fifth grade can be expected to make rational decisions?  According to the author, Andrew Finkel, the issue of students’ choosing their branches is not wanted to be done at an appropriate age (Finkel, 2012).           
        The second cause is having an individual achievement and providing equal opportunities to the students.  In other words, the students’ own success determines the way of their education.  To illustrate, if there are students whose grades are high, at the end of the 
year, their grade point averages are calculated by considering the performances of the learners both in spring and fall terms.  Besides, this system offers equal opportunities to the students when it is thought that they are creating their own future by getting higher or lower marks from their assignments or exams which affect the grade point averages.            
          Notwithstanding having some causes, 4+4+4 education system has also many effects.  The initial effect of this new education system is having lots of students from different age groups in one classroom.  To be more obvious, it can be said that when the students start the first grade, there will be several children who are both ready for the school normally and who are 66 month old.  Thus, the intelligence levels of them are not the same and maybe the 66 month old ones feel themselves insufficient in the view of having difficulties in comprehending the lesson.  Also, this situation can affect the young students’ psychologies negatively.         
          In addition, raise of child labor is the last impact.  First of all, what is child labor?  It is the process of a child’s working outside instead of taking education at school.  In this process, a child who is at a very young age is worked in unsuitable conditions and this harms the growing of that child.  In spite of compulsory education’s extending to twelve years, children are not compelled to go on their education life, unfortunately.  To illustrate, a seven year old boy is working on streets or roads to sell handkerchief or something else.  Also, this situation is really dangerous for the child because he is under the risk of hitting of a car.     
         Taking everything into account, even though the implementation of new education system in Turkey called 4+4+4 has several causes in terms of students’ choosing their branches and being able to have an individual achievement and providing the same opportunities to the students, it also has lots of impacts namely having numerous students
from different age levels in one classroom and raise of child labor.  In my opinion, 4+4+4 education system needs some time to be on the right track.  When this happens, the new system will be more beneficial for children.    

Finkel, A. (March 23, 2012). Turkey: What Everyone Needs to Know. What’s 4+4+4?.Retrieved from http://latitude.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/23/turkeys-education-reform-bill-is-about-playing-politics-with-pedagogy/

Comparison and Contrast Essay

                                           Two Language Teachers

           For a long time, language has a crucial place in every aspect of peoples’ lives and it will continue to save its importance in the future. People need it both in education and working life because it is essential to make contacts with foreigners. However, there is also an important point about how these people learn a language which is different from their mother tongue. Thanks to language teachers, learning a language is possible for all humans. When the techniques that teachers use while they are teaching a language and doing the lesson are compared, they may not use similar methods or strategies. Therefore, despite two language teachers’ having some similarities, they have many differences, too.  
         To begin with, graduating from the department of English Language Teaching is the first aspect. Both of these teachers take the same courses and learn the same instructions. Next similarity is working in a school instead of working in a language course. The teachers enter KPDS exam and pass it to start teaching at a state school. Moreover, having lots of responsibilities is the final aspect of similarities. In the environment of school or classroom, teachers have some duties such as teaching and preparing students for the future, taking care of them and dealing with their problems and questions.   
            Now, let us move on to the differences of two language teachers have. Teaching method is the first one. For instance, one of the teachers wants students to memorize all the topics that they discuss in the lesson while the other one does the lesson in more creative way by doing some activities. For example, the teacher gives a topic and wants his students to contemplate it by working in pairs or in groups. Thus, a good language teacher is the one who uses student-based teaching method whereas a bad language teacher prefers teacher-based strategy.            
       Second difference is related to making organizations. One of the language instructors plans everything in an effective way. He does not miss any parts that he is going to mention. What is more, according to Hezi Brosh, it is accepted that well-planning of content topics may be beneficial for the learners to separate and organize the main points of learning in the view of not only importance but also precedence (Eble, cited in Brosh, 1996). In contrast, the other one has no worries about how the lesson will go on or in which part he should start. Also, if the students do not understand the subject, the teacher just advices them read it again and ask their friends.            
     Finally, having different attitudes towards students is the last dissimilarity. To illustrate, one of these teacher is very strict, but he is good at teaching a language and he tries to clarify ambiguous points. On the contrary, the other instructor is really cute, but he does not help his students when they have difficulties in understanding. For example, one of the students cannot comprehend a text and the questions related to that text so he asks them to his teacher. Although the instructor knows the answers, he is not able to explain them to the child in a clear way.
        To sum up, in spite of the fact that two language teachers have similarities regarding graduating from the same department called  ELT, working at a state school and being responsible for the students, they differ from each other in terms of the way they teach, organization and having different attitudes towards students. It seems to me that, every single person can be a teacher but everyone cannot be aware of his responsibilities and cannot be effective enough.                  

Brosh, H.(1996). Perceived Characteristics of the Effective Language Teacher. Foreing Language Annals, No.2, 29.                       

7 Mayıs 2012 Pazartesi

Persuasive Essay

Which One is the Best Choice for Mothers?        
In the world, there is an unchanging truth which is about humans’ choices. This truth is that choices which are made by people affect not only them but also the ones around them. Because of this, humans should first decide what is good and what is bad by considering every aspect. Then, they can do whatever they want. If I leave all people aside and talk about only mothers, I can easily say that in general, each mother wants the best for her children. However, just wanting is not enough. They should make an effort to achieve their wish, too. In this essay, I will mention whether mothers should work or take care of both children and house. While many people say that mothers should take care of not only children but also house, the others believe working is the best choice for mothers. Also, I am one of them.       
            In the first part, I will touch on the mothers who graduated from university. If those mothers succeed in finishing their university, it means that they did it not to stay at home but to work in their profession. So, working is an incontestable right for mothers. Besides, there is an option for working mothers about entrusting the children to their grandparents or to baby-sitters. These people can both take care of children and spend time with them in an enjoyable way.
            In the second part, earning money is necessary for mothers. Since, in today’s world, making both ends meet with one salary which is received by fathers may not be sufficient to provide all of the needs of children. Thus, mothers should also work and earn some money to give better opportunities to the children for their future. To illustrate, saving up for their education can be a good example.      
            In the final part, thinking themselves like an unsocial people and going into depression for mothers who do not work are the last points I will talk about. Providing that they do nothing except for taking care of the children and house, in a process of time, mothers can feel themselves like dissocial because of doing the same things again and again. What is more, they may miss the chance to discover the potential of working inside them. I mean by saying this, if they work, they can be aware of their abilities. 
            To conclude, although there are some people who think mothers should take care of the kids and house, there are also various people who consider mothers should work regarding receiving a recompense for their studies, earning money and feeling like unsocial people. I firmly believe that mothers should work if they find a job both to have a more beautiful life and to offer many chances to their children.

30 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi

Defining Essay about Optimism

Currently, the population of the world has increased really much and because of this case, the problems of people are also increasing day by day. Moreover, dealing with these problems is getting harder and harder for them. When people have difficulties in solving issues, sometimes they lose their positiveness and then give up thinking that the situation will not be good anymore. I mean, they cannot help themselves thinking bad consequences without making much effort to turn them into good ones. What is more, is the way people follow right? It is definitely wrong. Since, after every problem they face with, there is a solution or a bright light waiting to be found. I want to stress by saying these, being optimistic and not giving opportunity to negative thoughts to take possession of your positive beliefs are two of the most significant things that people should do in their lives. Furthermore, I have talked about being optimistic up to now but what about “optimism”? Optimism is a noun form of the term “optimistic” and according to the dictionary of Oxford, it is defined as “the feeling that the future will be good or successful.”  As a purpose of this essay, I will cover three main issues which are reasons of optimism, being an optimistic person and results of optimism.
           To begin with, let me discuss the reasons of optimism. People from all over the world have their own problems such as stress, financial difficulties and lots of responsibilities. Moreover, anyone can say that he/she has not got any problems and everything goes well. Because, no one else in this world lives on his/her own. To maintain their lives or to make both ends meet, people should solve their hardships by being optimistic. I mean, believing that there is contentment at the end of every hardship. To illustrate, if there is a person works in a company to earn his/her life at a low wage probably has a financial difficulty. In this situation, should this person leave the job? If he/she leaves, will everything be better? No, contrary to leaving the job, he/she should work more than before to earn much money without losing his/her hope.    
           Besides, how to be an optimistic person is the second issue. Each person has different characters from the other people and these characters may tell how he/she reacts to the problem when they face with it. If this person is doubtful or negative, it can be difficult for him/her to overcome the hardship in a short process of time. However, it does not mean that it is impossible to do it in a good way. The first thing a person has to do is to understand the situation of him/her. Next, believing and hoping all the time are really crucial things. If a man/woman believes he/she will be in a better condition, this thought encourages them to struggle against the problem. As a last sentence to that issue, I can say that always imagine good consequences of the problem and never lose the hope.         
            The third and the last issue are the results of being optimistic. To illustrate, if there is a man who tries to be optimistic can be more courageous and self-confident in the view of meeting new people, getting used to somewhere or passing the exams if he studies. Also, if a person is optimistic, this trait can affect not only his/her body but also mental health in a positive way. Since, there is not any word which is called “stress” in that person’s life. Thus, an optimistic person may live long, who knows.
            To conclude, I have talked about optimism by explaining these basic points which are reasons of optimism, how to be an optimistic person and results of being optimistic. I have said money problems or stress can be the reasons of having to be optimist and not only believing yourself but also hoping all the time could be the steps of being an optimistic person. Besides, if I summarize the results of it, being self-confident and being healthy can be two examples of this point. It seems to me that, life is too short to be sad and care all the problems you run into. Do not forget that all the bad memories or situations will pass but the good ones will be in your heart at any time you are alive.

20 Nisan 2012 Cuma

Writing a compare and contrast essay about the films Slumdog Millionaire and A Separation

Two Noteworthy Films         

            In 1902, the first motion picture film which had a scenario was produced by Georges Melies and the name of it is “Le Voyage dans la Lune.” This film is the first but not the last one. After it, numerous films were produced, they are still being produced nowadays and they will be made in the future, too. Furthermore, among these several films, some of them could take almost all of the peoples’ attention in the world and some of them could not. The ones which caught interest and which were appreciated were able to win many awards or Oscars. For example, Slumdog Millionaire and A Separation are two of them which are successful in cinema sector. So, let us compare and contrast these two noteworthy films as a purpose of this essay.   
            The first remarkable similarity between Slumdog Millionaire and A Separation is the type of them. In both of the films, there are scenes related to drama. For instance, in a part of the film, Jamal who plays the leading role in Slumdog Millionaire remembers the days when he was kidnapped by some villains. Also, there is a couple who is about to divorce and has a child in “A Separation”. It can be seen in this film that how the members of a family can separate from each other. Another similarity between them is the situations which have the possibility of being met with in real life. Let me give an example for it, too. In Slumdog Millionaire, Jamal joins in a quiz show and in the other film, the couple wants to break up as I said before. So, these circumstances can happen. What is more, being accused of the leading actors is the last similarity. In the former film, Jamal is accused since he is thought that he is getting information while competing in quiz show. But the real situation is different, he answers the questions by remembering his childhood and he is not doing anything wrong. When it is looked at the latter film, Nader who plays one of the leading roles is blamed because of killing a baby who has not born yet. But the reality is different in here, too.  
            Now, I am going to state the differences between Slumdog Millionaire and A Separation. To begin with, filming location is the major difference between these two films. Slumdog Millionaire was filmed in India but A Separation was filmed in Iran. The second difference is the language. As it can be understood from the countries, the language in Slumdog Millionaire is English. However, Persian is used as a language in the film, A Separation. Moreover, while the films are starting, it can be seen that the blurbs of them are written in English and Persian. Having different endings is the final difference that I am going to mention. To illustrate, the former one has an ending which has both happiness and clarity. I mean, Jamal gains the money from the quiz show and he is with his lover, too. However, the latter has not only sorrowful but also uncertain ending. In other words, it is an open-ended film. There is an indefinite situation of the child’s decision about choosing his mother or his father to stay with.  
            To sum up, besides lots of similarities in terms of having dramatic scenes, having the possibility of facing with the same occasions in real life and being blamed of the leading actors, there are also differences between the films “Slumdog Millionaire” and “A Separation” in relation to the filming location, the language that is not only spoken but also written and having different endings with different impressions. In my opinion, Slumdog Millionaire is quite better than A Separation. Since, I did not get bored even a second from the beginning to the end of the film when I watched it.